Aspiring writer, film maker, & sports enthusiast.
This is my vision, my life & my journey.
You can enjoy the ride or you can bounce.
Hope you all follow a dream, but most importantly follow your HEART.
M A J O R H O U S E .

Monday, June 1, 2015


Haven't used this thing in ages. Lord knows my desire to write & passion for such has been scarce to say the least. However I have to express this shit.

Letter to you,

We are not together, I am to blame. Trust & hope are lost within us, again, I am to blame. For my actions & deceitfulness led us to this new place of "here". This is a place where I'm ignored, you're not invited, I am not cared for, & I live in constant fear. Terrified on what has been done also as to what my future could be without giving my all & last for us. It's a place that I thought I would never see but it's my mere everyday reality.

A place where it was just meant for us to be. I truly believe that we could never ever work if it was not for this place. It was meant for me to lose you only to realize now, I'm nothing. It was meant for me to deal with your tears & hear your cries only to fully understand my own. It was meant for me to not have you only to understand your full value & worth. It was meant for me to be ignored only to understand how blessed it is to have your attention. I get it now. I was only able to grasp it fully in this place. Was I dumb? Absolutely. Was I selfish? Without a doubt. Did I take us for granted? Definitely. That was then & then is not now. "Now" may be way too late & if it is then that's my cross to bear. I get that. However only if 99 % of you has moved on, found better or even regretted all that we've been through, all that we've experienced all that we've had then I'm banking on that 1%. 

That 1% is all I need. All I need to open up my heart to you in a way that you will never experience again. 1% is all that I need to show you a level of communication & honesty that is a lost art. 1% to give us a type of unknown effort that has never been seen before. A level so dangerous the only thing that follows are wedding vows. 1% to have every other form of love envious of our connection to the highest degree. 1% to have you immersed in a new existence of a relationship one that will be so surreal that you couldn't tell if you were living in a dream or mere reality. 

This is not a promise not a guarantee nor even a commitment. It's sheerly an act of God. I know so with every single fiber of my being. My faith in myself is at an all time high & my faith in us is even higher. I sit in a place of total clarity as I compose these words. Complete clarity in the upmost purest form. I know that I lost your heart, so as I began to think of ways to find it again I come up blank. Then while talking to my great grandmother about it all she gave me this quote from the late Maya Angelou. "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek Him just to find her." 

That's my mission. That's my journey. That is my now. I strongly & firmly believe that as I seek God all roads will point back to you however if they do not then I will have to totally understand & again it's my cross to bear. I pray every single day you can fully forgive me. You introduced me to One church a year ago. Lately I've enjoyed their nine o clock services very much. It helps. Everyday I'm learning & putting my faith to a higher place & good use. This is a journey that I will remain on until my end.

This isn't for us, nor even for you its for me. I know that I had to realign a lot of things in my life for me to be the man I'm supposed to be. The man that I'm meant to be. Distancing myself from toxic people, social media & mainly alcohol is where I started this journey. It's been difficult yet I see the fruit it bears. I know what I'm able to give up because I know what I'm willing to fight for. I know how much my future means to me, I know how much you mean to me.

I can fully & directly say that what we had was unique & to never be duplicated again. I can also say it was a small percent of our full potential. I cannot erase the pain nor negative light that I've put in your life however I can be for you what no man is willing to ever be. I'm done saying I'm done playing. This is what I present to you. I know that it probably seems as if it's nothing or very minimal, but I promise you hold more power than you can possibly fathom. Be blessed, I love you enough for the both of us, know that.  know that I'm with you always, know that I'm more focused than ever. Love always. 


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