Aspiring writer, film maker, & sports enthusiast.
This is my vision, my life & my journey.
You can enjoy the ride or you can bounce.
Hope you all follow a dream, but most importantly follow your HEART.
M A J O R H O U S E .

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Change & Growth

Change & Growth. Two simple words, but when used together they instantly become powerful. Now I 1st have to pay homage to this chick I use to date, who has these same words tattooed on her wrist. She schooled me in saying she has changed & she is forever growing as a person. I can relate & artistically I wish to be able to convey that to a much more broader perspective. Now no matter who you are, or what you have ever dealt with in life, we all are faced with change & growth. We all have to know this & accept this. Some of us do, many of us don't. As a people I believe the ones who don't see the importance in growth, are far too comfortable in their situation or just too complacent in life.

Now if you have made it to a certain aspect of you're existence & you are comfortable, then you are not using you're full potential. Simple as that. If you haven't grown to the place you are aiming for then you have to ask yourself the following question : What change do I need to become, in order for myself to grow? See change & growth go hand & hand, they are counterparts to this thing called life. I sit here at 23 with a job, no career. No children, girlfriend or even a wife. I sit here at 23 with a dream & growing determination. The reason I bring myself up is because I'm the test subject, I'm the change & I will be the growth. No I'm not disappointed with myself or am I having a reality check. Its called being self aware & may we all be self aware.

Know that it takes something to be somewhere in life, & do you know what that something is ? Yeah that's right you guessed it, Change & Growth. Very simple yet very complex in the same exact text. There are many things that I in fact am aiming to change. This process will be followed by the growth of a man evolving into someone whom I don't even know yet. However I do know that person will be better than Darrin at 23. May you all become that change, & allow yourselves to grow. We need it, our families, communities & future needs it. It can be something as small as quit smoking & working out more. Or even monumental as going back to school & finishing for your AA, BA, MA etc. I am a living breathing testimony, that we all can "Change & Grow". Lets get it.

God Speed

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